What an unusual year it turned out to be from what looked like it was going to be a short-lived pandemic to what has become a full year of disruption that has not left anybody untouched by Covid-19. We do so hope that nobody we know was affected badly by the virus – probably wishful thinking on my part. All we can hope is that next year brings much relief to many and on this note we would like to wish everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year for 2021. We are looking forward to taking The Billet back out on the beautiful waterways of the English canals and the rivers and sharing the happier days with our guests – new and previous alike. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to share in one of our many cruises in 2021. Our 2021 and 2022 Cruise schedules are available on our website at www.thebillethotelboat.co.uk. Take care of each other and please stay safe.